The Zebedee Foundation

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart,

lean not on your own understanding.

in all your ways, acknowledge Him,

and He will make your paths straight.”

Proverbs 3:5-6

PC: Jordan Madrid on Unsplash

About Us

Jono & Cece’s worlds collided through a series of what seemed like coincidences, but were in fact God opening doors and leading them straight to each other.

Their love for God and their individual longing to advance God’s kingdom made their relationship stronger as they found a common ground through their faith.

They both came from a marred past, but God’s love brought them back to their true calling- to serve God with everything they have.

God gave them Proverbs 3:5-6 as the founding verse for their relationship and they have strived to acknowledge God in all their ways.

“God wants a relationship with you, not what you can get from Him or what you can give Him.”


God gave them the name Zebedee as a reminder that no one should be left behind like Zebedee was in Mark 1:20. Their vision for the ministry is to serve the community through the love of Jesus, to share relationship advice and to teach scripture the way Jesus intended for it to be taught.
